Monday, May 25, 2009

Focus On Orange County CA Caregiver Resource Center
Story from OC Register

Claudia Ellano knows more about caregiving than she would like.

She spent six years working and also caring for her husband, Moe, who died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

And she is the director of the Orange Caregiver Resource Center, the only Orange County agency focusing specifically on the needs of caregivers who are coping with a loved one's chronic illness.

The Caregiver Resource Center ( is a program of St. Jude Medical Center and part of a statewide system of Caregiver Resource Centers for people 60-plus. It is financed through county, state and federal agencies.

A chat with Ellano:

Q. Let's talk about the typical help a caregiver can receive from your agency.

A. Well, we have a staff ready to assist with problem-solving resources and support. Just call (800) 543-8312 .

A care coordinator will talk to them about what the caregiver is needing the most — from the community or for themselves.

Q. How do you know what type of needs the loved one has?

A. We don't assess the patient. We are not here to solve problems for the patient. We are strictly here to help the caregiver with an action plan, including proper referrals, how to talk to the doctors, where to go to get assessments.

But they have to start with a diagnosis.

Q. This is a rhetorical question but — do caregivers need a lot of help today?

A. We've always known caregiving has an emotional and economic impact. But add the issues of today's economy, people losing their jobs for example, and the impact is huge! We want to be the entry point resource center for caregivers, and we are part of a large partnership of agencies ready to help.

Q. OK. But you and I know money becomes the big problem. Unless the person you are caring for has longterm-care insurance, families have to shoulder most of the cost of caregiving.

A. We are woefully lacking in public policy for longterm care in this country.

There is an assumption that Medicare pays for senior care, but in fact it only pays for a specific number of days after an acute episode, such as a stroke.

If someone needs longterm care in the community, it's pretty much out of their own pocket. Medi-Cal might be able to pay for some help, but we know this is where a lot of the cuts are coming.

Some senior HMOs have respite dollars built in, but these are short term and intermittent kinds of funding.

Adult day healthcare, other forms of relief, are almost all private pay.

It's a challenge that isn't going to get easier.

Q. Most people think of nursing homes when they think of caregiving costs.

A. Those costs are high but only impact about 5 percent of those needing care. People want to keep their loved ones at home.

Q. What kind of calls do caregivers make to you?

A. Here's a common one: I only make $12 an hour, but the agency wants $18 to $20 an hour to provide care for my mom.

Now, even if you haven't been laid off, there's a dilemma balancing that cost of care.

Q. Not everyone is equipped mentally to do caregiving.

A. No. It can be a beautiful spiritual journey.

We can help you stay healthy and make sure you have done the legal and financial planning necessary, made your home safe for your loved one, have meals delivered, and so on.

But not everyone wants to go on this journey. Everyone has different stress levels.

Q. How's your budget this year?

A. We slipped by without being targeted. We can still provide services.

There are several networks and agencies ready to help caregivers. Here are a few sites to check out:

• – local resources such as transportation, meal delivery, respite care.

• - should answer all your questions about Medicare services available.

• – local resources and options in senior housing, including nursing homes, assisted living, senior living or retirement communities.

• – caregivers can sign up for friends, family, neighbors and other volunteer help.

• – support groups and social networking.

• – Evercare Solutions for Caregivers – an insurance program – will provide an assessment and care plan for non-members for $580. Care management after the initial assessment to help coordinate ongoing help and support is $115 per hour.

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